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\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
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\name{Ajithkumar Sreekumar} % Your name
%\address{123 Pleasant Lane \\ City, State 12345} % Your secondary addess (optional)
\address{+1 (424) 465-0579 \\ ajithkumar.sreekumar94@cs.ucla.edu \\ linkedin.com/in/ajith-kumar-57567577/} % Your phone number and email
{Looking for internship opportunities in Computer Systems/Architecture design/verification/performance modelling.}
{\bf Master's in Computer Science} \hfill {Sep. 2019 - Present }
University of California, Los Angeles CGPA : N/A
{\bf B.E. in Electronics and Communication} \hfill {Aug. 2012 - Jul. 2016}\\
R V College of Engineering CGPA : 9.32/10
%Minor in Linguistics \smallskip \\
%Member of Eta Kappa Nu \\
%Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon \\
C, C++, Python, MATLAB, SystemVerilog, SQLite, Mentor Questasim, Synopsys VCS. \\
\begin{rSubsection}{\bf Engineer | Arm }{Bengaluru, India}
{\bf Architecture and Technology Engineering Group }{Jul. 2016 - Sep. 2019}
\item {Lead Coverage Model Developer for arm-v8M profile and its extensions.}\\
\item {Developed tools to automatically configure A-class Coverage Model to different implementations.}\\
\item {Improved coverage development flow in terms of early detection \& root cause analysis of bugs using CI
best practices.}\\
\begin{rSubsection}{\bf Intern | Arm }{Bengaluru, India}
{\bf Architecture and Technology Engineering Group }{Jun. 2015 - Jul. 2015}
\item {Studied coverage model implementation \& regression framework; explored options like Direct
Programming Interface (DPI), stream mode coverage (less file I/O) to improve regression time.}\\
\item {Attained 15\% reduction in memory and 10\% reduction in time for regressions.}\\
\begin{rSection}{Undergraduate Project}
\begin{rSubsection}{\bf Direction of Arrival Estimation for Lens-Based Array Antennas }{Bengaluru, India}
{\bf (Funded by Indian Naval Research Board) }{Aug. 2015 - May. 2016}
\item {Implemented ray-tracing algorithms on MATLAB to simulate refractive effects of various dielectric
lenses; modified stochastic parameter estimation algorithms (MUSIC, MVDR etc) to account for these effects.}\\
\item {Implemented adaptive beamforming algorithms in C++ to direct the beam; achieved a 6dB improvement in
gain for a 4x4 array antenna with 1\degree resolution and 10dB SNR.}\\
\item {Won ArmIDEAS competition: A global challenge internal to Arm for using technology to achieve UNICEF's
sustainability goals. Was invited to Munich, Germany to mentor social entrepreneurs.}\\
\item {Received ‘Competent Communicator (CC) Education Award’ (Mar 2018) and ‘Competent Leader (CL)
Education Award’ (Jan 2018) from Toastmasters International.}\\
\item {Runner up among 10 global teams at ‘Arm Global Graduate Challenge-2016’ for developing an IoT-
based health solution on ARM Cortex-M0+ based board, Jan 2017.}\\
\item {Sreekumar A., Kalkur P., Moiz M., "Practical Market Indicators for Algorithmic Stock Market Trading: Machine Learning Techniques and Grid Strategy", \textit{ERCICA}, vol 906, Springer, Singapore, Sep 2019}\\
\item {A. Sreekumar, M. Uttara Kumari, K.C. Vastare, S.M. Sreenivasa, N. Apoorva, "Signal Processing of Motor Imagery EEG Waves Using Empirical Mode Decomposition," \textit{ERCICA}, pp. 197-209, Nov 2017 (Awarded ‘Best Paper’ among
400+ publications)}\\
\item {P. G. Shah, K.C. Vastare, X. Huang, A. Srikumar, S.M. Sreenivasa, A.P.R.M. Kumar, K.R. kodada,
"Development of a Novel EEG Wave Controlled Security System", 2015 in \textit{Proc.of IEEE Seventh (ICICIS)}, pp. 116-120, Dec 2015 (Also presented at SJCE IEEE Chapter, Mysore and won 1 st place among 50+ papers, Mar 2016)}\\