
Rupesh Mahore's Professional CV ISRO
Rupesh Mahore
Last Updated:
5 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Rupesh Mahore's CV for physicist

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Rupesh Mahore's CV for physicist
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{\Huge Rupesh \textsc{Mahore}
%Section: Personal Data
\section{Career Objective}
\textsc{Researcher in Nanoscience technology} & \\
\textsc{} 2017-2022 & Integrated BS-MS in \textsc{Physics}, \textbf{National Institute of Technology}, Rourkela \\
\textsc{} 2013-2015& AISSCE in Science \normalsize\textbf{Macro Vision Academy}, Burhanpur\\
%Section: Work Experience at the top
\section{Work Experience}
\emph{} & INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION (ISRO) \textsc{} \\\textsc{Apr -June 2019}&\emph{Research Intern}\\&\footnotesize{Working at Laboratory of Electro Optical System,design,development and production of electro-optic sensors and optics for spacecraft use. Specialising in thin film fabrication, design and charecterisation with quality control.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{May-July 2018} & INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI (IIT-G) \\&\emph{Research Intern}\\&\footnotesize{Fabrication and charecterisation of Thinfilms and electroceramics under Prof D.Pamu.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\ \textsc{Dec-2017} & Indian Asssociation of Physics Teacher (IAPT) \\&\emph{Research Intern}\\&\footnotesize{Designing various experiments and setups to demonstrate fundamental concepts of Fluid Mechanics, Electrodyanamics,Gravitation and Astrophysics under Prof HC Verma.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{2016-2017} & Myspace Tutors, Bhopal \\&\emph{Independent Physics Tutor}\\&\footnotesize{Worked as a physics tutor for 11th and 12th std for JEE Advance and Olympiad preparation.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\section{Position of responsibility}
\textsc{Founder and Head:}&PLANCK Physics Society of NIT-R\\
\textsc{Mentor:}&Student Counselling Program (SCP) NIT-R\\
\textsc{Writer and Content head:}&Pantomime Dramatic Society NIT-R\\
\textsc{Public Speaker:}&Hourglass Club\\
\section{Major Achievements}
2018:& \textsc{Selected for ISRO internship program}\\
2017:& \textsc{Worked with Prof HC Verma, India's most renowned Physicist}\\
2016:& \textsc{8th international rank in rudolf ortvay competition of Physics}\\2016:& \textsc{Top 1.5 percentage scorer in joint entrance exams 2016 }\\
2011-12:& \textsc{State level tennis player}\\
\emph{} & Dr. M.V. Hanumantharao \textsc{} \\\textsc{}&\emph{LEOS-ISRO,Bangalore}\\&\footnotesize{Fabrication and design of optical sensors for space application.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{} & Prof S. Murugan \\&\emph{Dept of Mechanical engineering ,NIT R}\\&\footnotesize{Thermal and electrical effects on classical and nanofluids.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{} & Prof D.Pamu \\&\emph{Dept of Physics IIT Guwahati}\\&\footnotesize{Fabrication and charecterisation of thin films and bulk materials}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{} & Prof H.C.Verma \\&\emph{Dept of Physics IIT Kannpur}\\&\footnotesize{Designing of experimental setups to explain fundamentals of Physics}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
%Section: Education
%Section: Languages
Computer:& {Working knowledge of C,C++,AutoCAD , Illustrator , MATLAB , Origin , Spectrum} \\
Familiar OS :& {Windows,Linux} \\
Experimental Skills :& {Familiar with fabrication,design and charecterisation apparatus} \\
Soft Skills :& {Excellent Public speaker, works well in team,good at problem solving} \\