Community articles — Beamer

Maximization of muffler performance is important, but there is always space volume constraints. Shape optimization of multi-segments Muffler coupled with the GA searching technique. Outline: Problem Statement Derivation of Four Pole Matrices and an expression for STL Introduction to GA and it's Implementation A numerical case of noise elimination on pure tone Results and Discussion

Faça um pêndulo leve com um pequeno ímã em sua extremidade. Um eletroímã adjacente conectado a uma fonte de corrente alternada de frequência muito superior à frequência natural do pêndulo pode levar a oscilações não-amortecidas com várias amplitudes. Estude e explique o fenômeno.

Workshop and examples for getting started with LaTeX, Tufts 2016 CSLOL

BA04 presentation LaTeX Template Version 1.0 (14/12/14) This template has been downloaded from: License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (

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Introduction Future Work Introduction Our lab has been working on analyzing data on mast cell cancer in Guiding Eyes for the Blind dogs using R programming. This presentation will illustrate the work we have done so far and what we hope to accomplish in the upcoming weeks.

recent years, there has been a population increase, and with it, an increased density in our environment. The massive building in residential areas, various technologies which have become more available for individual use (cars, varied music players, TV sets). In this article, we will try to introduce a number of functions that eliminate noise.

Mid-Semester Project Present

A presentation on Virgil's works
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