Discover a wide range of academic journal LaTeX templates for articles and papers which automatically format your manuscripts in the style required for submission to that journal.
This template is aimed to be used for articles written in French and submitted to the Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science (JIMIS).
This template is aimed to be used for articles written in French and submitted to the Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science (JIMIS).
Important Note: This template is no longer supported, but is provided for historical reference.
This template for Wiley article submissions was developed by Overleaf for the Overleaf-Wiley pilot which ran during 2017 and 2018. It was last updated in January 2019.
If you're planning to submit to a Wiley journal, please check the journal's author guidelines page for the latest information on how to prepare your submission.
The efficiency of a query execution plan depends on the accuracy of the selectivity estimates given to the query optimiser by the cost model. The cost model makes simplifying assumptions in order to
produce said estimates in a timely manner. These assumptions lead to selectivity estimation errors that have dramatic effects on the quality of the resulting query execution plans. A convenient assumption that is ubiquitous among current cost models is to assume that attributes are independent with each other. However, it ignores potential correlations which can have a huge negative impact on the accuracy of the cost model. In this paper we attempt to relax the attribute value independence assumption without unreasonably deteriorating the accuracy of the cost model. We propose a novel approach based on a particular type of Bayesian networks called Chow-Liu trees to approximate the distribution of attribute values inside each relation of a database. Our results on
the TPC-DS benchmark show that our method is an order of magnitude.
more precise than other approaches whilst remaining reasonably efficient
in terms of time and space.
This is the template of a regular article to Mathematica Applicanda — the Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Series III published by Polish Mathematical Society.
This is a sample file for ACM generic journal manuscripts, using acmart.cls v2.08 (2024/06/04). It is provided by the ACM as a template for submissions, and pre-loaded in Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX) for ease of editing online. Please see the ACM Submission Guidelines page for more details on manuscript preparation.
Important information regarding submission versions for review: After finalizing the formatting of your paper you must use the option “manuscript” with \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} command. This will generate the output in single column review format which is required. Accepted manuscripts will be transformed during production to produce properly formatted output accord to the publication specifications. Authors will be provided the opportunity to review and approve the formatted output before the article is published to the ACM Digital Library.
All journals use acmsmall with the following exceptions:
acmlarge - Large single column format, used for IMWUT, JOCCH, PACMPL, POMACS, TAP
acmtog - Large double column format, used for TOG
Note: Most proceedings authors will use the "sigconf" proceedings template. If you are unsure which template variant to use, please request clarification from your event or publication contact.
These instructions provide guidelines for preparing papers for AIAA Technical Journals using LaTeX. You may also use it for preparing papers for AIAA conferences by toggling the documentclass option in the template.
AIAA journals provide a panoramic journey from yesterday’s challenges through today's most important aerospace advances in research and development.AIAA’s original research papers present concepts, methods of analysis, technical knowledge, exploratory developments, and new applications.
To begin writing online (in your browser), simply click the Open as Template button, above. Additional guidelines for preparing your submission are included within the template itself.
If you'd like to download any of the template files including the .cls file, please click "Open as template" above, then download the template “Source” zip file from the menu.
This template is designed for submissions to all current AIAA journals:
AIAA Journal
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
Journal of Aircraft
Journal of Air Transportation
Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics
Journal of Propulsion and Power
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
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