This DarkConsole beamer theme and template was created by Kazuki Maeda <> for Japanese presentations, but can be used for English (or other European languages) presentations as well. It has been modified to work with XeLaTeX.
Presento is a clean, simple and extensible template for presentations — supported by XeTeX and Beamer. This template has been adapted from the original version for Overleaf.
For usage instructions please see either the source on Github or the README file accessible within the template.
A beamer presentation on patterns for SoS reconfiguration, in the context of a non-intrusive load monitoring framework for residential energy disaggregation in Smart Grid
Taborjenje 2015
This template has been downloaded from:
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
Poster based on Dreuw & Deselaer's Poster LaTeX Template ( and downloaded from