國立成功大 學資 訊工程研究所碩士論文模板
Masters thesis template for Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
This is an English template of Thesis Dissertation for Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in China. I hope it would help all HUST student for Thesis report writing.
Open source thesis template for Shanghai University of Internation Business and Economics(SUIBE).
The source is avaliable on my github page: https://github.com/Yangruipis/SUIBEthesis
这是上海对外经贸大学硕士毕业论文LaTeX 模板,Github主页:https://github.com/Yangruipis/SUIBEthesis 。
(Updated 2018/09/12)