The differential wave equation can be used to describe electromagnetic waves in a vacuum. In the one dimensional case, this takes the form $\frac{\partial^2\phi}{\partial x^2}-\frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2\phi}{\partial t^2} = 0$. A general function $f(x,t) = x \pm ct$ will propagate with speed c. To represent the properties of electromagnetic waves, however, the function $\phi(x,t) = \phi _0 sin(kx-\omega t)$ must be used. This gives the Electric and Magnetic field equations to be $E (z,t) = \hat{x} E _0 sin(kz-\omega t)$ and $B (z,t) = \hat{y} B _0 sin(kz-\omega t)$. Using this solution as well as Maxwell's equations the relation $\frac{E_0}{B_0} = c$ can be derived. In addition, the average rate of energy transfer can be found to be $\bar{S} = \frac{E_0 ^2}{2 c \mu _0} \hat{z}$ using the poynting vector of the fields.
A very quick and easy to understand introduction to Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
(Orthonormalization) and how to obtain QR decomposition of a matrix using it.