%The bibliography is made with BibLaTeX, not BibTeX. To compile with BibLaTeX, substitute "bibtex %.aux" with "biber %" in the Bib(la)tex voice you can find in TexMaker configuration menu.
\vspace{.5 cm} \\
{\LARGE \sc \color{reddy} University of Pavia}
\vspace{1 cm} \\
{\Large \sc Master's Degree Thesis} \vspace{1 cm}\\
\hrule height 1 pt \vspace{1cm}
\LARGE Dr. Bianchi's Thesis Template Explained \\ \normalsize \it -- directly on his template --
\hrule height 1 pt
\vspace{1 cm}
{\it Author: \hfill Supervisor:} \\
{\color{reddy} Alessio Bianchi \hfill Your Supervisor's name} \\ \\
\phantom{x} \hfill \textit{Co-Supervisor:}\\
\phantom{x} \hfill {\color{reddy} Your Co-Supervisor's name} \\
{\it A thesis submitted in fullfillment of the requirements for the} \\ \ \\
{\color{reddy} Master's Degree in Chemistry} \\ \ \\
{\it in the} \\ \ \\
{\color{reddy} Department of Chemistry \\ Organic Chemistry Section}
\\ \ \\
July, 2022
\frontmatter %uses roman pagenumbers
{\small \tableofcontents}
\mainmatter %the body of your thesis with arabic page numbers
\part{Using Parts is Not Mandatory, Actually}
\chapter{Probably, The Introduction}
\epigraph{\it A cool citation is always an extra-point.}{-- Someone Important}
\section{A Little Overview}
This template has been directly made by modifying the common \LaTeX 's {\color{reddy} \verb|book|} documentclass. You can find the related code, with comments, in the {\color{reddy} \verb|preamble.sty|} file. The default font-family is {\color{reddy} \verb|Liunx Libertine/Biolinum|} in which the second one -- Sans variant -- is set as default, while math environments like this
$$x(t)=A\sin(\omega t + \phi)$$
use the Serif variant: nobody forbids you from using different fonts (like the ones already included in the preamble or completely different).
\subsection{The Color Accent}
The document possesses a color accent called ‘{\color{reddy} \verb|reddy|}’ which is used for chapter titles, footnotes numbers,\footnote{Like this one.} bullets in lists, and others. You can recall it to color-up your stuff with {\color{reddy} \verb|\color{reddy}|} and modifying its RGB color definition in the preamble file also.
\subsection{The \texttt{preamble.sty} File}
The preamble file contains adjustments in margins, tables, headers and footers, and a lot of other stuff: the best piece of advice I can give you is... {\color{reddy} go check-it-out}! Don't worry: it is all commented. The print format is on twosided pages, but it can be set as oneside -- but remember to correct headers and footers code lines!
\section{Setting the Bibliography}
For references management, I \underline{\color{reddy} \bf hardly} recommend the usage of {\color{reddy} Bib\LaTeX} instead of the more common Bib\TeX . In fact, {\color{reddy} Bib\LaTeX} has got a lot less bugs and it is more easy and intuitive to compile. Furthermore, it only needs the classical \verb|.bib| file in your working directory and it is also able to cite something directly as a footnote like this.\footfullcite{Wang2021} Notice that the citation is also reported in the bibliography section and that the default citation style set is \textit{American Chemical Society}, but you can obviously change it, according to your needs, at the very beginning of this {\color{reddy} \verb|Thesis.tex|} document code.
\subsection{Automatically Compile Bib\LaTeX \ through \tt biber}
Many \LaTeX \ editors do not have a specific shortcut for {\color{reddy} \verb|biber|}, the main Bib\LaTeX\ compiler. You can manually add a shortcut with the command
biber %
or, if you use \TeX Maker like me, you can go to {\color{reddy} \texttt{Options $\to$ Configure Texmaker $\to$ Commands}} and put it in the \verb|Bib(la)tex| box instead of \verb|bibtex %.aux| ({\color{reddy}\bf Figure \ref{window}}).
\caption{\TeX Maker's dialogue window to change Bib(la)tex command for compiling a Bib\LaTeX\ bibliography.}
This template was made by Dr. Alessio Bianchi (University of Pavia, Department of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Section). For support, please contact me \href{mailto:alessio.bianchi02@universitadipavia.it}{\bf \color{reddy}$\to$ via mail~$\leftarrow$} and go check-out my homepage at \href{https://bianchiunipv.wordpress.com/}{\color{reddy} bianchiunipv.wordpress.com} to find other interesting stuff.\newline \\
I hope this will be useful and comfortable in usage! And... break a leg for you degree ;)
\chapter{Empty Chapter}
\epigraph{\it A cool citation is always an extra-point.}{-- Someone Important}
Just copy-paste this block for new chapters.
\backmatter % the format for the end of your thesis
\part{End Sections}
%{\LARGE \bf \hfill \color{reddy} Bibliography}% <- TO BE REMOVED WHEN BIBLIOGRAPHY IS LOADED
%\bibliographystyle{acs} %<--- Uncomment if you wanna use BibTex Instead of BibLaTeX
%\bibliography{biblio.bib} %<--- Uncomment if you wanna use BibTex Instead of BibLaTeX
%{\LARGE \bf \hfill \color{reddy}Appendix}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
{\bf \LARGE\hfill\color{reddy} Acknowledgements} \vspace{20 pt}\\
Give thanks to the mother Gaia, give thanks to the father sun; give thanks to the plants in the garden where the mother and father are one.