\title{AVM examples}
\author{Team Overleaf}
\section*{Advisory notes on AVM packages for \LaTeX}
This project uses the \texttt{avm} package which is not available in \TeX{} Live; consequently, it has been uploaded into this project. Anyone wishing to use attribute value matrices may be interested in the more recent package,\href{https://ctan.org/pkg/langsci-avm?lang=en}{\texttt{langsci-avm}}, which is now available in \TeX{} Live. Due to syntax and feature differences, this document will not compile with \texttt{langsci-avm} and will require some editing. See section 4.6 of the
\href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/langsci-avm/langsci-avm.pdf}{\texttt{langsci-avm} documentation} for guidance on switching from \texttt{avm} to \texttt{langsci-avm}.
%%---Introductory example---
\[ cat\|subcat & \<NP$_{it}$, NP$_{\@2}$, S[comp]:\@3\> \\
content & \[ relation & \bf bother\\
bothered & \@2 \\
soa-arg & \@3 \] \]
%%---Example of the Basic usage---
\[ subj & \[ pers & 3 \\
num & sg \\
gend & masc\\
pred & \rm ‘pro’ \]\\
pred & \rm ‘eat\q<SUBJ, OBJ\q>’\\
obj & \[ pers & 3 \\
num & pl \\
gend & fem \\
pred & \rm ‘pro’ \]
%%---Unaligned columns---
\[ \avmspan{system\|local\|content\; \@2} \\
qstore & \[det & \textnormal{forall} \\
restpar & \@2 \[para & \@1 \\
restr & \[reln & \textnormal{book} \\
inst & \@1 \] \] \] \]
%%---Sort labels example 1---
\[ \asort{indexed-obj}
index & \[\asort{index}
variable & \@1 \[\asort{variable}
per & 3rd \\
num & sing \\
gend & neut \] \\
restriction & \[\asort{psoa}
relation & book \\
instance & \@1 \] \] \]
%%---Sort labels example 2---
\sort{indexed-obj}{\[ index & \osort{index}{\[
variable & \@1 \osort{variable}{\[ per & 3rd \\
num & sing \\
gend & neut \]} \\
restriction & \osort{psoa}{\[relation & book \\
instance & \@1 \]} \]} \]}