%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Thesis.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %
% ---------- Master of Science Dissertation template ---------- %
% %
% Template for the Master Thesis according to the regulations %
% published by the Academic Board (Direcção Académica) at IST. %
% %
% For up-to-date guide, please refer to the offical website %
% http://da.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/dissertacao-de-mestrado/ %
% %
% Andre C. Marta %
% Area Cientifica de Mecanica Aplicada e Aeroespacial %
% Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica %
% Instituto Superior Tecnico %
% Av. Rovisco Pais %
% 1049-001 Lisboa %
% Portugal %
% Tel: +351 21 841 9469 %
% 3469 (extension) %
% Email: andre.marta@tecnico.ulisboa.pt %
% %
% Created: Jan 20, 2011 %
% Last Modified: Jul 2, 2015 %
% %
% Revision history %
% v1 - 2011/01/24 - original template %
% v2 - 2012/10/30 - new IST image and glossary support %
% v3 - 2013/12/10 - update according to 2012/13 official guide %
% v4 - 2014/02/28 - new default for bibliography style %
% v5 - 2014/05/07 - update according to 2013/14 official guide %
% v6 - 2015/07/02 - cover page format fixed, %
% contents page numbering fixed, %
% better language support, %
% enhanced examples of tables, %
% new option for appendix page numbering format, %
% custom bibliography style %
% %
% To generate the PDF file, type "make" at the terminal prompt. %
% %
% The IST template LaTeX package was created by the author %
% and it can be downloaded from: %
% https://fenix.ist.utl.pt/homepage/ist31052/ %
% %
% The external packages can be downloaded from %
% the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network at http://www.ctan.org/ %
% %
% List of LaTex symbols: %
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/ %
% %
% Help with LaTex can be found at %
% http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/latex/ltx-2.html %
% http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX %
% Preamble %
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Set the document class
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define external packages, language, margins, fonts and new commands
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\input{Thesis_Preamble} % file "Thesis_Preamble.tex"
% Begin Document %
% Set plain page style (no headers, footer with centered page number)
% Set roman numbering (i,ii,...) before the start of chapters
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Cover page
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\input{Thesis_FrontCover} % file "Thesis_FrontCover.tex"
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Dedication page (optional)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\input{Thesis_Dedication} % file "Thesis_Dedication.tex"
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Acknowledgments (optional)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\input{Thesis_Acknowledgements} % file "Thesis_Acknowledgements.tex"
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Abstract (both in English and Portuguese)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\input{Thesis_Resumo} % file "Thesis_Resumo.tex"
\input{Thesis_Abstract} % file "Thesis_Abstract.tex"
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Table of contents, list of tables, list of figures and nomenclature
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Table of contents
% List of tables
% Add entry in the table of contents as section
% Generate list
% List of figures
% Add entry in the table of contents as section
% Generate list
% Nomenclature
% entries of nomenclature list
\input{Thesis_Nomenclature} % file "Thesis_Nomenclature.tex"
% Add entry in the table of contents as section
% Insert glossary/nomenclature section produced by MakeIndex
% entries of glossary list
\input{Thesis_Glossary} % file "Thesis_Glossary.tex"
% Add entry in the table of contents as section
% Insert glossary section produced by MakeIndex
% Set arabic numbering (1,2,...) after preface
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Chapters
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\input{Thesis_Introduction} % file "Thesis_Introduction.tex"
\input{Thesis_Background} % file "Thesis_Background.tex"
\input{Thesis_Implementation} % file "Thesis_Implementation.tex"
%\input{Thesis_new_file} % add new .tex files for new chapters
% \cleardoublepage
%\input{Thesis_new_file} % add new .tex files for new chapters
% \cleardoublepage
%\input{Thesis_new_file} % add new .tex files for new chapters
% \cleardoublepage
\input{Thesis_Results} % file "Thesis_Results.tex"
\input{Thesis_Conclusions} % file "Thesis_Conclusions.tex"
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Bibliography
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Add entry in the table of contents as chapter
% Include all references in .bib file, even non-cited ones...
%\nocite{*} % this should be used carefully because it is not correct!
% Produces the bibliography section when processed by BibTeX
% Bibliography style
% > entries ordered alphabetically
% > unsorted with entries appearing in the order in which the citations appear.
% > entries ordered alphabetically, with first names and names of journals and months abbreviated
% > entries ordered alphabetically, with reference markers based on authors' initials and publication year
% Replacement bibliography styles provided by 'natbib' package
% (plainnat.bst, abbrvnat.bst, unsrtnat.bst )
% > entries ordered alphabetically
% > unsorted with entries appearing in the order in which the citations appear.
% > entries ordered alphabetically, with first names and names of journals and months abbreviated
%\bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} % <<<<< SELECT IF USING REFERENCES BY AUTHOR/YEAR
% > entries ordered alphabetically, with reference markers based on authors' initials and publication year
% Custom bibliography style adapted from 'natbib' package
% (based on http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5053/is-it-possible-to-get-unsrt-abbrv-bibliography)
% (unsrtnat.bst + abbrvnat.bst -> abbrvunsrtnat.bst)
% (original files copied from:
% http://tug.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/abbrvnat.bst
% http://tug.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/unsrtnat.bst
% > unsorted with entries appearing in the order in which the citations appear, with first names and names of journals and months abbreviated.
\bibliographystyle{abbrvunsrtnat} % <<<<< SELECT IF USING REFERENCES BY NUMBER (CITATION ORDER)
% External bibliography database file in the BibTeX format
\bibliography{Thesis_bib_DB} % file "Thesis_bib_DB.bib"
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Appendix (optional)
% CAUTION: 1) the main document (up to the conclusions) shall not exceed 80 pages
% 2) the document shall not exceed a total of 100 pages (per IST regulations)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% add page number prefix according to apendix chapter (optional)
% re-set arabic numbering (A.1,A.2,...) (optional, use only if chapter prefix is added)
\input{Thesis_Appendix_A} % file "Thesis_Appendix_A.tex"
% re-set arabic numbering (B.1,B.2,...) (optional, use only if chapter prefix is added)
\input{Thesis_Appendix_B} % file "Thesis_Appendix_B.tex"
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------