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\usepackage[margin=1cm, a4paper]{geometry}
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\usepackage{LobsterTwo}%if not suposed to be main font, load other main font after this
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\author{\LaTeX{} Ninja}
\date{August 2019}
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] {%
\node[rectangle, fill=white, anchor=north, minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=5cm](header) at (current page.north){};%
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
% here the fancy font can be taken out by removing \LobsterTwo
{\par\centering\huge\LobsterTwo{Jack Sparrow}} \\[0.3cm]
\faGlobe~ Nationality: english\\
\faBirthdayCake~ 1690 \\
\faMapMarker~ on a ship \\
\faGraduationCap~ \underline{Titles:} Dr. Dr. Captain \\
\faCommentsO~ \underline{Languages:} \emph{English} C2, \emph{French} B2.}
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
\faPhone~ 0999/999 6767400 \\
\faAt~ \protect\url{jack@sparrow.com} \\
\faEnvelopeO~ The Black Pearl \\
\faMapMarker~ Tortuga \\
\faFont~ \protect\url{https://academia.edu/JackSparrow} \\
\faGithub~ \protect\url{github.com/sparrow} \\
\faCircle~ \protect\url{orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000} \\
% hier muss die "unsichtbare" Überschrift rein, weil er sonst nicht die Paracols startet... komisch...
%\backgroundcolor{c[1]}[rgb]{1,1,0.8} % cream yellow for column-1 %\backgroundcolor{g}[rgb]{0.8,1,1} % \backgroundcolor{l}[rgb]{0,0,0.7} % dark blue for left margin
% 0.9,0.9,0.9 -- 0.8,0.8,0.8
\section*{Short Resumé}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies}{Finally got the goddamn ship back. \lorem}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga}{This and that. The usual, aye?}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\section*{Lots of Information}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga}{This and that. The usual, aye? \lorem}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\begin{tabular}{r p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvdegree{1710}{Captain}{Certified}{Tortuga Uni}{}{disney.png} \\
\cvdegree{1715}{Bucaneering}{M.A.}{London}{}{medal.jpeg} \\
\section*{Certificates \& Grants}
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.55\textwidth}}
1708 & Captain's Certificates \\
1710 & Travel grant \\
1715--1716 & Grant from the Pirate's Company\\
1708 & Captain's Certificates \\
1710 & Travel grant \\
1715--1716 & Grant from the Pirate's Company
\section*{Lots of Information}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies}{Finally got the goddamn ship back. \lorem}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga}{This and that. The usual, aye?}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\section*{Lots of Information}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga}{This and that. The usual, aye? \lorem}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\section*{Short Resumé}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga}{This and that. The usual, aye?}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\cvitem{\faStar\faStar\faStar\faStar\faStar}{Python: Machine Learning, \dots}
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.7\textwidth}}
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).\\
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).\\
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.6\textwidth}}
Nov. 1726 & ``How I lost my ship (\& and how to get it back)'', at: \emph{Annual Pirate's Conference} in Tortuga, Nov. 1726. \\
Nov. 1726 & ``How I lost my ship (\& and how to get it back)'', at: \emph{Annual Pirate's Conference} in Tortuga, Nov. 1726. \\
Nov. 1726 & ``How I lost my ship (\& and how to get it back)'', at: \emph{Annual Pirate's Conference} in Tortuga, Nov. 1726.
\vfill{} % Whitespace before final footer
\begin{center}\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont \color{black!70}
{\small Jack Sparrow \icon{\faEnvelopeO}{black}{} The Black Pearl \icon{\faMapMarker}{black}{} Tortuga \icon{\faPhone}{black}{} 0099/333 5647380
\icon{\faAt}{black}{} \protect\url{jack@sparrow.com}