% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sourabh Bajaj
% Website: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume
% License : MIT
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%%%%%% CV STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\textbf{\href{http://sourabhbajaj.com/}{\Large Sourabh Bajaj}} & Email : \href{mailto:sourabh@sourabhbajaj.com}{mail@website.com}\\
\href{http://sourabhbajaj.com/}{http://www.sourabhbajaj.com} & Mobile : +1-123-456-7890 \\
{Georgia Institute of Technology}{Atlanta, GA}
{Master of Science in Computer Science; GPA: 4.00}{Aug. 2012 -- Dec. 2013}
{Birla Institute of Technology and Science}{Pilani, India}
{Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics; GPA: 3.66 (9.15/10.0)}{Aug. 2008 -- July. 2012}
{Google}{Mountain View, CA}
{Software Engineer}{Oct 2016 - Present}
{TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs; primarily used for training deep learning models.}
\resumeItem{Apache Beam}
{Apache Beam is a unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines, as well as a set of language-specific SDKs for constructing pipelines and runners.}
{Coursera}{Mountain View, CA}
{Senior Software Engineer}{Jan 2014 - Oct 2016}
{Service for sending email, push and in-app notifications. Involved in features such as delivery time optimization, tracking, queuing and A/B testing. Built an internal app to run batch campaigns for marketing etc.}
{Bulk data processing and injection service from Hadoop to Cassandra and provides a thin REST layer on top for serving offline computed data online.}
{Dataduct an open source workflow framework to create and manage data pipelines leveraging reusables patterns to expedite developer productivity.}
\resumeItem{Data Collection}
{Designed the internal survey and crowd sourcing platfowm which allowed for creating various tasks for crowd sourding or embedding surveys across the Coursera platform.}
\resumeItem{Dev Environment}
{Analytics environment based on docker and AWS, standardized the python and R dependencies. Wrote the core libraries that are shared by all data scientists.}
\resumeItem{Data Warehousing}
{Setup, schema design and management of Amazon Redshift. Built an internal app for access to the data using a web interface. Dataduct integration for daily ETL injection into Redshift.}
{Core service for all recommendation systems at Coursesa, currently used on the homepage and throughout the content discovery process. Worked on both offline training and online serving.}
\resumeItem{Content Discovery}
{Improved content discovery by building a new onboarding experience on coursera. Using this to personalize the search and browse experience. Also worked on ranking and indexing improvements.}
\resumeItem{Course Dashboards}
{Instructor dashboards and learner surveying tools, which helped instructors run their class better by providing data on Assignments and Learner Activity.}
{Lucena Research}{Atlanta, GA}
{Data Scientist}{Summer 2012 and 2013}
\resumeItem{Portfolio Management}
{Created models for portfolio hedging, portfolio optimization and price forecasting. Also creating a strategy backtesting engine used for simulating and backtesting strategies.}
{Python backend for a web application used by hedge fund managers for portfolio management.}
\resumeSubItem{QuantSoftware Toolkit}
{Open source python library for financial data analysis and machine learning for finance.}
\resumeSubItem{Github Visualization}
{Data Visualization of Git Log data using D3 to analyze project trends over time.}
\resumeSubItem{Recommendation System}
{Music and Movie recommender systems using collaborative filtering on public datasets.}
% \resumeSubItem{Mac Setup}
% {Book that gives step by step instructions on setting up developer environment on Mac OS.}
%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
\section{Programming Skills}
\textbf{Languages}{: Scala, Python, Javascript, C++, SQL, Java}
\textbf{Technologies}{: AWS, Play, React, Kafka, GCE}