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{An Author\textsuperscript{1}, Another Author \textsuperscript{affiliation \#}} % Authors
{Title\strut\\} % Title; please end every line with \strut\\
{Submission Date} % Submission Date. Please use mm/dd/yyyy
{Article Type} % "Research Article" or "Review Article"
{\textsuperscript{1}Department, Institution, City, QC, Country\\
\textsuperscript{2}Department, Institution, City, ON, Country\\
} % Affiliations; please end every line with \\. Different affiliations should also be separated by \vspace{7pt}
{Keyword, another keyword} % Keywords
{email@institution.edu} % Email
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec diam tellus, vestibulum et dictum nec, pharetra at nibh. Phasellus dapibus id velit sed accumsan. Suspendisse et pulvinar mauris. Curabitur id turpis ut nulla iaculis lobortis at ut tortor. Aliquam orci sem, molestie id molestie non, venenatis vitae dolor. Ut vel neque sem. Proin vestibulum, erat eget pellentesque mattis, ligula erat dapibus quam, vel posuere neque metus eu lacus. Mauris ac lorem sed odio consectetur blandit. Phasellus dictum, velit non tincidunt varius, orci metus tincidunt ante, ac consequat leo est sed nunc. Integer auctor, libero ut cursus elementum, elit magna iaculis libero, nec commodo odio nulla eget lacus. In interdum tempor neque, eget tincidunt felis sagittis nec. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin commodo imperdiet nisl, at fringilla lorem rutrum ut. Nulla suscipit, elit ac convallis venenatis, erat enim consequat urna, ac varius tortor enim sit amet ex. In blandit mi eleifend, eleifend libero sit amet, congue justo.
} % The abstract
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\subsection{Another Non-Numbered Subsection}
Integer neque diam, dapibus at mattis at, lobortis ac urna. Integer nibh ex, porta vitae egestas at, tristique at urna. Vivamus varius metus sed mi finibus sollicitudin. Integer eget laoreet lacus. Maecenas at mauris quam. Donec condimentum diam in nibh condimentum, euismod semper leo vehicula. Morbi id orci vitae lacus ullamcorper imperdiet at ut justo. Aliquam tincidunt leo est, non gravida mauris gravida quis. Nulla at egestas massa. Vestibulum bibendum quis nibh at gravida.
Vivamus non neque ornare, placerat augue id, pharetra massa. Praesent nec dui non diam condimentum sodales in eget purus. Etiam tristique imperdiet nulla non placerat. Cras et magna malesuada erat consectetur hendrerit ut ac lectus. Curabitur vel enim et nibh porttitor dictum. Maecenas eu lacinia sem. Fusce a lectus blandit, condimentum nisl ac, fringilla enim. Suspendisse eu maximus turpis.\footnote{Using \textbackslash{}footnote\{footnote text\} we can create footnotes}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In-text citations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\subsection{In-Text Citations}
MSURJ uses the Nature reference style. We cite sources in-text by enclosing the name of the reference in the .bib file as the argument of \textbackslash{}supercite\{\}\supercite{referenceName}. The only times in which a reference should not be cited as a superscript are when the reference is mentioned directly in-text (e.g., this is demonstrated in ref. \cite{anotherReference}), or when the citation directly follows a number: e.g., this technique dates back to 1983 (ref. \cite{yetAnotherReference}). In these cases, use \textbackslash{}cite\{\}. Journal titles should use ISO 4 abbreviations whenever possible, unless other commonly used abbreviations exist, and all journal article references should include a full doi link\supercite{many_authors}. The .bib file of this template has examples of references with the required inputs. Before submitting, please review the Author Instructions found on our website\supercite{instructions}.
The msurj class used in creating this document currently contains theorem environments (from \textbackslash{}newtheorem\{\}) for ``Theorems," ``Definitions," ``Propositions," ``Lemmas," ``Corollaries," and ``Examples" based on previous use. Their names to instantiate each environment are in msurj.cls. Please feel free to create whichever categories you may need for clearly referring to materials in a simplistic way which does not interfere with the flow of the text. Also, please try to label every equation and theorem with \textbackslash{}label\{...\} , especially if you end up referencing them later in the text.
Using these theorem environments, your text will display like this.
$e^{i\theta}=\cos{\theta}+i\sin{\theta} \hspace{0.1in} \forall \theta \in \mathbb{R}$
Follows from Taylor series definition of the exponential where radius of convergence is infinite
From Proposition \ref{pro:Euler} it follows that
Using ``\textbackslash{}eqref\{eq:2.1\}," we are referring to Equation \eqref{eq:2.1}. Notice the capitalization in “Equation.”
\newpage % Use if necessary to ensure tables/figures to not cut pages/columns
% Please use this block of code to create figures
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% Only edit the figure filename and the caption in the third line of the block, and the label on the fourth line
\begin{figure}[!h] % Comment the [!h] to allow LaTeX to determine where to place the figure. Right now, it appears exactly as it does in the .tex source
\includegraphics[width=0.26\textwidth]{Figures/Figure Filename.png} \caption{Title. Description.}
%%%%% To refer to a figure in your text, use \ref{fig:label} %%%%%
Using ``Figure \textbackslash{}ref\{fig:label\}," we are referring to Figure \ref{fig:example-figure}.
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\begin{table}[!h] % Comment the [!h] to allow LaTeX to determine where to place the table. Right now, it appears exactly as it does in the .tex source
\caption{A simple table.}
\begin{tabular}{|c||c c c|}
Apple Cultivar & Sweetness & Juiciness & Crunchiness \\
Cosmic Crisp & B+ & A & A\\
Fuji & A & A & B+\\
Using ``Table \textbackslash{}ref\{table:example-table1\}," we are referring to Table \ref{table:example-table1}.
\caption{A more complicated table}
\centering\cellcolor{gray!25}\textbf{Category} & \centering\cellcolor{gray!25}\textbf{Subcategory} &
\cellcolor{gray!25}\textbf{Fruit} \centering \tabularnewline \hline
\centering A & \centering A1 & Apple\raggedright \tabularnewline \cline{3-3}
& \multicolumn{1}{p{20mm}|}{} & Pear\raggedright \tabularnewline \cline{3-3}
& \multicolumn{1}{p{20mm}|}{} & Peach\raggedright \tabularnewline \hline
\centering B & \multicolumn{1}{p{20mm}|}{\centering B1} & Banana\raggedright \tabularnewline \cline{2-3}
& \multicolumn{1}{p{20mm}|}{\centering B2} & Orange\raggedright \tabularnewline \cline{3-3}
& \multicolumn{1}{p{15mm}|}{} & Grapefruit\raggedright \tabularnewline \hline
%%%%% To refer to a table in your text, use \ref{table:label} %%%%