% ==== Remove chapter name from the header in each page
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% Clear all headers and footers
% Keep page number in the header (optional)
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% To remove chapter name from the header
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%====== REQUIRE Package for title pages
% source: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/59460/custom-title-page-in-report-or-book-class
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% ======= Other utility packages
% ========= Subabstract for each chapter
\Large \bfseries Abstract \vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}
\setlength{\leftmargin}{5mm}% <---------- CHANGE HERE
%============== APPENDICES
\author{ authorname }
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
{Graduate School of Economics and Management}\\[5pt]
{\huge\bfseries Three Essays on \\ Economics Growth\\}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
{\Large\bfseries author}\\[5pt]
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
{Dissertation submitted to} \\[5pt]
\emph{{Faculty of Economics, Tohoku University}}\\[5pt]
{in fulfillment of the requirements for the of} \\[5pt]
\textsc{\Large{{Doctor of Philosophy}}} \\[5pt]
{in Economics} \vspace{0.4cm} \\[2cm]
% List of Professor and Examiners
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\textbf{Supervisor:} & Prof. A \\
\textbf{Referees:} & Prof. B \\
& Prof. C \\
& Prof. D
Submission Date: \today
% ========= Acknowledgement page
I would like to express my thanks to \dots
% TOC page
% Main chapters
% Appendices
% Reference