% University of Michigan Dissertation LaTeX Template for 2023
% Created by John Meluso and Shreyas Kousik
% 9 Jul 2020
% Use the University of Michigan thesis class.
%--- Set the font styles -----
% As of this writing, Rackham does not have strict font requirements, but they
% suggest "standard fonts" such as Times, Arial, or Times New Roman.
% In practice, they allow the default LaTeX font (Computer Modern).
% The fonts available to you depend on the typesetting engine you use, e.g.
% pdflatex (the overleaf default), xelatex, or lualatex.
% Set the font to whatever you like, as long as it's compatible with the tex
% engine you're using.
% More information from Overleaf on font selection with:
% - pdflatex: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Font_typefaces
% - xelatex: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/XeLaTeX
% See examples below depending on your engine and uncomment the usepackage
% commands and any subsequent commands as needed.
%--- pdflatex -----
%--- xelatex / lualatex -----
%\setromanfont{Times New Roman}
%\setmonofont{Courier New}
% If you are using the alpha bibliography style, keep these next three lines in your preamble, so that the references are left-aligned; or, you can comment it out and see what happens
% Title of the thesis
\title{Your Dissertation Title}
% Author name
\author{Your M. Name}
% Department
\department{Field of Degree (e.g. ``Psychology'')}
% Year of completion
% Author email
% Author ORCID iD
% Frontispiece
% Default style for front pages
\frontpagestyle{7} % 7 is preferred by Rackham, but should be set individually for each front page
% Dedication (the input [7] determines the style -- 7 is Rackham's preferred style)
% \hidededication{%
% Acknowledgments (the input [7] determines the style -- 7 is Rackham's preferred style)
% Preface
% Committee
\committee{ %
Professor First Name, Chair \\
Professor Second Name in Alphabetical Order \\
Professor Third Name in Alphabetical Order \\
Professor Fourth Name in Alphabetical Order
% Chair must be entered separately for formatting reasons.
\chair{Professor First Name}
%\cochair{Co-chair One \& Co-chair Two}
% Definition of any acronyms used.
% To add an acronym, add an \acro{}{} command on a new line within the \acronyms{} command. For \acro, field 1 is the acronym and field 2 is the corresponding expression. For example: \acro{TLA}{Three Letter Acronym}.
\acro{TLA}{Three Letter Acronym}
\acro{SOA}{Some Other Acronym}
% Definition of any symbols used.
% To add an symbol, add an \item command with the symbol inside a [] bracket followed by explanations
\item [$\alpha$] The greek letter alpha.
\item [$\Gamma$] \blindtext
% Commands to hide or show lists of figures, tables, etc.
% To hide a list, change the word "show" in the command to "hide".
% Some abstract text
% Place your additional chapters here using the \input{} command
% Appendices
% Give this command the relative path to the .bib file.