% LaTeX Template for USAJobs resume builder-style federal resume with cleaner formatting
% Template includes all sections and fields from the USAJobs resume builder as of August 2023
% Recommend that you fill out the resume builder first, save the PDF, and then use that info to populate this template
% This template has been modified from and includes elements of the following templates:
% Jake's Resume (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs)
% Academic CV Template (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/examples/academic-cv-template/hvjpfjnyggbf)
% AutoCV (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/autocv/scfvqfpxncwb)
% Modified by Teresa Symons (tasymons.github.io)
\documentclass[letterpaper,12pt]{fed-res} % See the fed-res.cls file to import packages and edit formatting/style
\textbf{\Huge \scshape Your Name} \\ \vspace{1pt}
123 Your Address, Your Town, YS 12345 \\ \vspace{1pt}
123-456-7890 \ $|$ \ email@jobplease.com \\ \vspace{1pt} % Recommended not to include email link or other hyperlinks in resume PDF submitted to USAJobs
ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: ABCD-12-EF-3456789-GH \\ \vspace{1pt} % Copy and paste the announcement number from the job you are applying to
Veteran's Preference: N/A\ $|$ \ Federal Employment Status: N/A\ $|$ \ Citizenship: Your Country % List your veteran's preference, fed employment status, and current citizenship. Put N/A if one of these does not apply to you
% These are the sections from the USAJobs resume builder
% Each section is imported separately
% Open each file in 'Resume Sections' to modify content
% Comment out or delete any sections that you do not wish to include
%-----------WORK EXPERIENCE-----------
% If any of your work experience includes Federal Civilian positions, additional info is needed that this template does not currently accommodate without modifications
\input{Resume Sections/Work Experience}
%-----------VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE------------
% Volunteer experience does not have its own section on the USAJobs resume builder, but including volunteer experience is encouraged
% Here, I've chosen not to include address, supervisor, or hours worked when not applicable
% Three examples of including as much or as little information as you wish
\input{Resume Sections/Volunteer Experience}
\input{Resume Sections/Education}
%-----------JOB RELATED TRAINING-----------
\input{Resume Sections/Job Related Training}
\input{Resume Sections/Affiliations}
%-----------PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS-----------
\input{Resume Sections/Professional Publications}
\input{Resume Sections/References}
%-----------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION-----------
\input{Resume Sections/Additional Information}
% A bonus section that could be used to format projects, although this section isn't part of the USAJobs resume builder
% %-----------PROJECTS-----------
% \section{Projects}
% \resumeSubHeadingListStart
% \resumeProjectHeading
% {\textbf{Gitlytics} $|$ \emph{Python, Flask, React, PostgreSQL, Docker}}{June 2020 -- Present}
% \resumeItemListStart
% \resumeItem{Developed a full-stack web application using with Flask serving a REST API with React as the frontend}
% \resumeItem{Implemented GitHub OAuth to get data from user’s repositories}
% \resumeItem{Visualized GitHub data to show collaboration}
% \resumeItem{Used Celery and Redis for asynchronous tasks}
% \resumeItemListEnd
% \resumeProjectHeading
% {\textbf{Simple Paintball} $|$ \emph{Spigot API, Java, Maven, TravisCI, Git}}{May 2018 -- May 2020}
% \resumeItemListStart
% \resumeItem{Developed a Minecraft server plugin to entertain kids during free time for a previous job}
% \resumeItem{Published plugin to websites gaining 2K+ downloads and an average 4.5/5-star review}
% \resumeItem{Implemented continuous delivery using TravisCI to build the plugin upon new a release}
% \resumeItem{Collaborated with Minecraft server administrators to suggest features and get feedback about the plugin}
% \resumeItemListEnd
% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
% A bonus section that could be used to format skills, although this section isn't part of the USAJobs resume builder
% %-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
% \section{Technical Skills}
% \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
% {\item{
% \textbf{Languages}{: Java, Python, C/C++, SQL (Postgres), JavaScript, HTML/CSS, R} \\
% \textbf{Frameworks}{: React, Node.js, Flask, JUnit, WordPress, Material-UI, FastAPI} \\
% \textbf{Developer Tools}{: Git, Docker, TravisCI, Google Cloud Platform, VS Code, Visual Studio, PyCharm, IntelliJ, Eclipse} \\
% \textbf{Libraries}{: pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib}
% }}
% \end{itemize}