%% Example GayaUKM thesis in English
\usepackage{longtable} %% If your list of symbols, abbreviations is longer than a page and you want to use a longtable for it
%% Your metadata. Note that an English thesis needs a Malay title page as well,
%% so you'll need to specify the Malay title, faculty and degreetype.
\title{<Your Thesis Title, Manually Break\protect\\the Lines into a Nice Reverse\protect\\Pyramid if Necessary>}
\titlems{<Tajuk Tesis Anda, Pecahkan Tajuk Panjang\protect\\Secara Manual Jika Perlu>}
\author{<Your Name>} %% Assuming your name is spelt the same way in English and Malay
\faculty{<Your Faculty>}
\facultyms{<Faculti Anda>}
\submissiondate{2 October 2013}
\degreetype{Doctor of Philosophy}
\degreetypems{Doktor Falsafah}
\campus{Bangi} %% Assuming Malaysian cities are spelt the same way in English and Malay
%% If you find the boxes around hyperlinks distracting
%% Generate the cover page
%% Generate the English and Malay title pages.
%% Re-specify your title with different manual line breaks for the English
%% title page, if necessary
\title{<Your Thesis Title, Manually Break the Lines into a Nice Reverse Pyramid if Necessary>}
%%%% If you're happy to just use the same line-breaking scheme for the English
%%%% title on both the cover and the titlepage, then you can just call
%%%% \maketitle which combines both \makecoverpage and \maketitlepage.
% Acknolwedgements from ack.tex
% English abstract from abstract-en.tex
% Malay Abstract from abstrak-ms.tex
% List of Symbols may be prepared as in symbols.tex
% Each chapter from a separate file
% references are listed in refs.bib
% Each appendix chapter from a separate file